Strategic framework for the development of the market in Croatia

Strategic framework for the development of the market in Croatia

Strategic framework for the development of the market in Croatia

On Friday, September 8th, we organized a presentation by State Secretary Davor Zoričić at the Deutsche Börse about the strategic framework for the development of the market in Croatia. He highlighted key economic achievements that have led to, and continue to drive, further strengthening of the Croatian economy.

Many thanks to State Secretary Martin Josef Worms for the interesting opening speech, and to Caroline von Linsingen for the warm welcome.

Afterwards, we had a meeting with representatives of KfW IPEX-Bank where we discussed possibilities for enhancing cooperation.

We also met with representatives of the Wirtschaftsförderung Frankfurt GmbH.

We concluded the day with a meeting with Croatian citizens working in the banking sector.

Foto: Josip Krstanovic

Images from the Event


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Strategic framework for the development of the market in Croatia

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Strategic framework for the development of the market in Croatia