
International Experience.


This is ERASMUS+ with KWVD.

Worauf man sich freuen kann

  • Unterkunft in einer zentrale City-Lage direkt am Main
  • Nähe zum Flughafen und Hauptbahnhof
  • Sehr gute öffentliche Verkehrsmittel
  • Praktika in einem unserer Mitglieds-, Partner-,  oder Unternehmen aus unserem Netzwerk
  • Transparente Kosten


Wissen ist Macht – auf die Zukunft vorbereiten:

Einmalig in Europa – nutzen Sie die Möglichkeit und Besuchen Sie folgende Institutionen zum Thema ökonomische Bildung*:

  • Deutsche Börse
  • Europäische Zentralbank
  • Geldmuseum


* Wir organisieren Ihnen gerne einen Besuch. Freie Termine vorausgesetzt.



  • Reichhaltige Kultur und Freizeitprogramme



Die ganze kulinarische Welt in einer Stadt. Nutzen sie die Möglichkeit und probieren Sie die kulinarische Vielfalt aus aller Welt oder auch nur die regionalen Spezialitäten. 

  • Gemaltes Haus
  • Apfelwein Wagner
  • 12 Apostel



  • Klassik-Stadt 
  • Flugsimulator
  • Ideenzug / Zug der Zukunft
  • Flughafen
  • Fußballstadion
  • Basketballspiel
  • Eishockey
  • Telekommunikationsmuseum
  • Zoo
  • Palmengarten
  • Senkenberg-Museum
  • Experimenta
  • Sportmöglichkeiten wie Fußball, Basketball, Tischtennis, Hallenbäder, …
  • Shopping, 3 große Einkaufszentren, eine der größten Einkaufsstraßen (Zeil)


Wir sind immer für Sie da und haben in der Regel auch eine Lösung parat. 


Wenn mal was schief läuft – und Erasmus+ Teilnehmer ihren Pass verlieren sollten… In Frankfurt am Main sind so gut wie alle Generalkonsulate vertreten.

Krankenhäuser / Ärzte:

Wollen wir es nicht hoffen, jedoch falls einmal „starke Schmerzen“ oder „Verletzungen“ auftreten sollten.
In Frankfurt am Main gibt es viele mehrsprachige Ärzte sowie eine Vielzahl von Krankenhäusern, in denen auch mehrsprachiges Personal beschäftigt ist. 

The „Croatian business association“, „Kroatische Wirtschaftsvereinigung“ (KWVD) represents ideas and interests and is a cross-industrial platform for companies and institutions in Germany and Croatia. We offer our members in Germany and Croatia various services in the area of market entry, business partner networking, personnel recruitment, and school internships through ERAMUS+ projects.

The Croatian business association engages through its member’s and network partners since 2007 in various projects, especially contributing to transfer knowledge, values, and experiences to support young professionals or institutions to enhance their skills and professional qualifications. Therefore, we support students and trainees from Finland, Greece, Italy, Croatia, Romania, Slovenia, Serbia, Poland, Turkey, and from other countries European countries searching for internship opportunities in Germany.

Further, we enable professional advanced training for teaching and instructor staff from Croatia. The advanced training covers different schools and school subjects. Through job shadowing and establishing contacts in Europe, we aim to implement Best-Practice examples in Croatia. Generally, the costs and expenses are fully funded by the ERASMUS+ Programme of the European Union. Each year around 150 to 200 trainees from Croatia complete their 14 days of internship in Germany. University students generally stay between 2 and 12 months.

Visit our Facebook KWVD ERASMUS+ to gain first insights into our previous projects.


The KWVD is engaged in ERASMUS+ Programmes since 2007. Our main goal is to open doors and create international career opportunities for young professionals from various fields. Through ERASMUS+ projects we wish to enhance and develop young professionals‘ knowledge and skills and to ensure qualified practical experiences in their field of interest. We support ERASMUS+ partners from the very beginning of the application procedure to the dissemination of the project.

The mobility projects are fully funded by the EU therefore everyone can take part in the ERASMUS+ Programme. Due to our excellent connections and active participation in various governmental institutions, such as the „Union of Hessian Business Association“ (Vereinigung der hessischen Unternehmerverbände – VHU), the educational institution in the craft sector and examination boards with a focus on vocational training, we can provide the participants with the most qualitative support in business questions.

Mobility Programmes for interns and trainees

Our main goal is to provide the best professional and personal experience for each participant and partner in the European projects. Germany represents one of the most economically advanced countries, which allows students to learn from qualified companies and thus gives them an advantage in future employment over other competitors.

Since Frankfurt is the location with the most famous finance institutions dealing with foreign issues as the Central European Bank (EZB), the German Central Bank, and the famous Stock Exchange we aim to educate young professionals in finance issues such as freelance work and pension.

Services provided by KWVD:

Direct involvement in project preparation: We maintain a constant communication with the students and assist during the preparation of the application procedure to ensure the success of the project.

Quality work placement recruitment: We conduct appropriate work placement recruitment according to the project schedule and the skills of the participants from all different VET fields.

Trustworthy project partner: KWVD is a trustworthy partner. We offer 24/7 emergency support.

Support with documentation: We assist with the preparation of official certificates, including the Europass and final reports. KWVD staff guarantees constant communication and free assistance during the preparation of applications, providing all the necessary information and documents that are required from us and the companies. At the end of your internship, we will provide you with training certificates and the Europass Mobility Certificate.

Project monitoring: The main objective of KWVD is to achieve the best possible educational and professional results as well as to ensure satisfaction of all partners engaged in the project. We also make sure that each internship progresses going well and is properly fulfilled.

Accommodation, board and transport: We organize half board accommodation near the city centre of Frankfurt am Main or close to the internship location. The interns are housed in fully furnished, multi-bedded studio apartments with bathrooms and free internet access. The accommodations are located in Frankfurt, or in neighboring cities such as Mainz, Darmstadt or Hessen’s capital city Wiesbaden.

Furthermore, we will organize all the necessary local transport for the optimal development of the project. Upon arrival, we will provide every participant with a city map and a bus/train travel card for their stay.

We cooperate with companies in a wide variety of areas and provide work placement in VET occupations such as:

baker, bricklayers,  butcher,  car mechanics, car painters, ceramists,  construction technician,  cooks,  

dental  assistants/technicians, drivers, economists, electricians,  engineers, forestry technician, hairdressers, 

heating and air-conditioning installers, hotel and tourism technicians, IT technicians, logistics, mechanical technicians and electrical technicians, mechatronics, medical beauticians, painters, pharmaceutical assistants/technicians, 

photographers, road traffic technician, salesmen, social pedagogue and more…

ERASMUS+ in Germany: Why should you do your internship in Frankfurt?

Frankfurt in numbers:

different nations: 178   inhabitants: 700.000

districts: 46    companies: 42.666

research institutes: 70    restaurants and cafes: 2.300

Living and working in Frankfurt

Frankfurt is one of the liveliest and busiest cities in Germany. Frankfurt is home to the central European Bank and has the busiest airport in Germany and is the birthplace of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. Additionally, the stock exchange, the central bank, and the Big Four accounting firms Deloitte, EY (Ernst & Young), KPMG, and PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) are located in Frankfurt. The biggest university in Frankfurt is named after Johann Wolfgang von Goethe and has more than 42.000 enrollments. Sure, you will get lost in the busy streets and tall skyscrapers during your stay, but the public transportation called RMV helps you to win orientation. The city is mostly compared to Manhattan due to its urban jungle-like infrastructure and various offers.

Visit our Facebook Page – KWVD ERASMUS+ and get insights into our completed projects